Reporting Accidents and Injuries
Accident Forms
Worker's Compensation Accident Procedures
1. Inform your administrator/supervisor/manager/nurse/secretary of the injury.
2. For accidents that occur on our property involving an employee. Call the 24/7 nurse triage telephone number 844-454-1143. They will take all the information and direct you for treatment. They will schedule follow up appointments also. If the accident is urgent in nature, send them to the nearest emergency room for treatment and notify Kelli Dunn, [email protected], or (765) 641-2009 in the business office as quickly as possible.
3. For those employees who work second shift follow the same - call the 24/7 nurse triage telephone number 844-454-1143. If the injury is urgent in nature please go to the nearest emergency room and notify your administrator.
4. Contact your supervisor to let them know if you will have to miss work due to your injury. An insurance adjuster will be assigned to your case within 48 hours of your injury. All paperwork should be sent directly to them.