Board » Public Comments at ACS board meetings

Public Comments at ACS board meetings

The Anderson Community Schools Board of Trustees voted to re-adopt at their January 9, 2024 board meeting the following rules regarding public comments at board meetings (also referred to as Rules of Engagement):

Meetings of the Anderson Community Schools Board of Trustees are open to the public in accordance with Indiana's Open Door Law (Indiana Code 5-14-1.5-1).

Prior to the board meeting, members of the public can sign up to provide public comment.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, the Board President will call individuals signing up to the podium one at a time to speak. Speakers will be asked to state their name and address for the record prior to sharing their comments. Each speaker is given three (3) minutes to address the board and cannot give their minutes to anyone else.

Public comments should be directed at the board and not individual board members. Shouting, loud statements, threats, name calling, offensive language, or other improper conduct is not permitted.

When appropriate, the board will refer questions to the Superintendent. Some concerns may be addressed at that time. However, others may require further research to ensure the information provided is both accurate and complete. In those instances, the board or a member of the administration they designate, will follow up with the individual sharing public comment to ensure their question or concern is properly addressed.