Early Entrance Procedure for Kindergarten

Any child who attains the age of five (5) on or before August 1st of a school year will be admitted to and welcomed into an appropriate Kindergarten program of the Anderson Community School Corporation.  If the child is younger than five (5) years as of August 1, 2025 and the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the child wishes to enroll the child in the Kindergarten program, the child may be considered for early enrollment by completing the Early Entrance application to the Assistant Superintendent. The early applicant must be five on or before October 1, 2025. Such application should be received not later than June 1, 2025 for the 2025-2026 school year.

The Assistant Superintendent shall appoint an Early Screening Committee to review all applications and to make recommendations. The Early Entrance Screening Committee shall include, but not be limited to: a Kindergarten teacher, and Elementary Principal, and the Director of Curriculum.

The Assistant Superintendent will make the final determination as to whether the child will be admitted to the Kindergarten program after consultation with the Early Entrance Screening Committee.

In evaluating the early admission application(s), the Superintendent will base his/her decision on the following:

  • Whether or not there is space available in the Kindergarten program at the school where the child will attend.
  • If no space is available, or if it is determined that it is not in the best interest of the school or the children to admit additional students, no early entrance application(s) will be accepted.
  • When a child transfers from out-of-state or a private kindergarten program and does not meet the age eligibility requirements, that child will be accepted into the kindergarten program. Continuity of services, rather than age requirements, should be the strongest consideration.  In cases where a child was enrolled in an out-of-state or private kindergarten for a very short time to circumvent the Indiana law, it is reasonable for entrance to be denied if this can be documented.